This time its his look at the worlds use of materials, from silicon to wood to plastic and cement. 这一次,他的这本书讲述的是世界材料的用法从硅到木头到塑料到水泥。
This product be used for suction mould package, working mould, shoes mould and other candle craftwork, gypsum craftwork product, toy, plastic cement craftwork mould making. 适用于吸塑包装、工模、鞋模等蜡烛工艺、石膏工艺制品、玩具、塑胶工艺等行业模具制作。
Evaluating the Plastic Shrinkage of Cement Paste with the Curing Meter 用养护尺法评估水泥浆体的塑性开裂
This paper states the development state of production, quality, raw material and application of plastic cement valve. 综述了我国塑胶阀门的生产、产品质量、原材料、应用等发展状况。
Behavior Analysis of Isolation Trenches Filled by Foamed Plastic Cement Clay 泡沫塑料-水泥土充填沟隔振性状研究
The matrix is the material component, such as plastic, epoxy cement, rubber, or metal, that surrounds the fibers or particles. 基体中包含的材料成分有,塑料,环氧接合剂,橡胶或者金属。这些成分围绕在纤维和粒子的周围。
Research on Three-Elements Constitutive Equation of Plastic Shrinkage Cracking for Cement Mortar 水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂的三元本构方程研究
Effects of hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose and polypropylene fiber on plastic shrinkage cracking of cement mortar 复掺羟乙基甲基纤维素和聚丙烯纤维对水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能的影响
It sets the children's wading pool, plastic cement race track, sand pool outdoors. 户外设有嬉水池、沙池、塑胶跑道;
The Development State of Plastic cement Valve 我国塑胶阀门发展现状
With the decreasing of fiber diameter, the plastic shrinkage cracking resistance for cement mortar increased. 纤维直径减小,纤维水泥砂浆抗塑性干缩开裂能力增大;
Study on strengthening humid-plastic cement soil 湿塑性水泥土增强研究
Effects of Polypropylene Fibers on the Plastic Shrinkage Stresses of Cement Mortars 聚丙烯纤维对水泥砂浆塑性收缩应力的影响
Plastic cement slurry in deep wells 深井塑性水泥浆体系研究
Influences of water-binder ratios& admixtures on the Plastic Shrinkage of Blended Cement Paste 水胶比及矿物掺和料对净浆塑性收缩影响
Application of plastic cement system in well cementing jobs of West Sichuan 塑性水泥体系在川西固井中的应用研究
The analyzing results show that the plastic shrinkage cracking is mainly related to the two factors, plastic tensile strength of cement mortar and the shrinkage stress of capillary, and depends on the relative values of this two factors. 结果表明:水泥砂浆的塑性收缩开裂性能主要与砂浆的塑性抗拉强度和砂浆中的毛细管收缩应力有关,且取决于该2因素的相对大小。
Research on the Judge Criterion of Plastic Shrinkage Cracking for Cement Based Materials 水泥基材料塑性收缩抗裂判据研究
On these basis, LSS plastic cement system is developed. 在此基础上研制出LSS塑性水泥体系。
Plastic cement solves cracking problem of cement sheath successfully. With high strength fiber added in, not only the strength, but also the flexibility is increased. 塑性水泥可以很好地解决水泥环的脆裂问题,它通过掺入高强度纤维,不仅可增加水泥石的强度,而且可改变水泥石的弹性。
The failure plastic strain of cement soils will be increased with the increase of cycles of dry-wet process. But it is no larger than 2%. 水泥改良土的破坏塑性应变随干湿循环次数增加有所增加,但是不超过2%。
Research and application of plastic cement slurry system of deep well in Sichuan 四川深井塑性水泥体系研究与应用
Thus, salt resistance plastic cement slurry has been developed by the study on the early strength plasticizer QA which using modified fiber as the main material. 采用以改性纤维为主要材料的早强增塑剂QA研究出了深井抗盐塑性水泥浆体系。
In-house evaluation and field test of salt resisting plastic cement slurry system 抗盐塑性水泥浆体系的室内评价和现场试验
The effects of experimental conditions such as restraint states, water losing conditions and sample thickness on the plastic shrinkage cracking of cement mortar were investigated. 研究了约束状况、失水条件及试件厚度等因素对水泥砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能的影响,结果表明:(1)增加钢筋框中部约束或取消钢筋框均可减少砂浆塑性收缩开裂性能;
In this paper, the effects of polypropylene fibers on the plastic shrinkage stresses of the cement mortars were investigated by use of self-designed plastic shrinkage stresses measuring device. 采用自行设计的水泥砂浆塑性收缩应力测试装置研究了低掺量下聚丙烯纤维对水泥砂浆塑性收缩应力影响。
The ash of paddy can improve the wearing resistance of some add plastic cement. 稻谷灰加入可提高某些掺减水剂的水泥胶砂耐磨性。
CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF PLASTIC CEMENT RACE TRACKS IN A STADIUM The Structure and Construction of Synthetic Resin Track Field 关于体育场塑胶跑道的施工监理塑胶运动场地面的构造与施工
Study and application of basic property of new plastic additives in cement slurry with fiber 新型塑性添加剂在纤维水泥体系中基本性质研究与应用
Research on LSS plastic cement system LSS塑性水泥体系研究及提高固井质量探讨